Healthcare Waste Management What Is It? And Do You Need It?

Updates on Resources and Safety for Managing Regulated Medical Waste and Hazardous Waste.

Biomedical and Biohazard waste is one of the biggest challenges that healthcare provides every day. On average, a single hospital bed can produce 33 pounds of waste per day in Maryland. In a year, healthcare facilities generate 5.9 million tons of medical waste per year. To make matters worse, 16 billion injections and 2 million […]

Proper Sharps Needle Disposal in Maryland

Proper Sharps Needle Disposal in Maryland

Every form of medical waste requires special handling, including sharps, which have special needs for proper disposal. Whether it’s gauze used to wrap a fresh wound or cultures containing infectious agents. Sharps and needles are a little more sensitive to manage as it takes only one pinprick to spread potentially harmful bloodborne pathogens and viruses. […]